Answer: BORE
BORE is a crossword puzzle answer that we have spotted 177 times.
Referring Clues:
- Crashing type?
- Brought forth
- Word with crashing or tidal
- Reduce to tears, maybe
- Drill
- Use an auger
- Hardly the life of the party
- Unwanted guest
- Gun stat
- Cause to yawn
- Yielded
- Party pooper
- Put to sleep, maybe
- Yawner
- Schmo
- Tiresome one
- Wearisome one
- Crashing sort
- Make yawn
- Yawn inducer
- Yawn producer
- Ear bender
- Drag
- Bloviator, often
- Barrel statistic
- Drone, e.g.
- Put to sleep
- Inside diameter
- Yawn inducer, perhaps
- Gun barrel diameter
- Cylinder diameter
- One who goes on and on and on...
- Cause of ennui
- Make a tunnel
- Stomached
- Do drilling
- The death of the party?
- Induce ennui
- Dullsville resident
- Dullsville denizen
- Use a shop tool
- Put to sleep, perhaps
- One who's easier to pray for than to visit, according to C. S. Lewis
- Droner, usually
- Tiresome person
- Dullsville resident?
- Bring to tears?
- Ho-hum sort
- Yawn-inducing speaker
- Put to sleep, so to speak
- Gasbag
- See 25-Across
- Yawn-inducing speaker, say
- Windbag
- Real drag
- Tiresome sort
- Was worthy of
- Uninteresting one
- Inside diameter, as of a gun
- Gun-barrel diameter
- Tiresome speaker
- Interest-reduction cause?
- Wet blanket
- Use a drill
- Drill holes
- Yawn producer, perhaps
- Wearisome speaker
- Make weary by being dull
- Dull fellow
- Barrel's inside diameter
- What unexciting drillers do?
- Droner, often
- Drill a hole
- One causing ennui
- Inner diameter
- Hollow out
- Tube's inner diameter
- Reduce to tears, in a way
- Tedious type
- Ho-hum character
- Yawn-inducing speaker, e.g.
- One who talks only about himself, say
- Make a hole
- Leave yawning
- Yawn-inducing type
- Snoozefest
- Produced, as fruit
- Be tedious
- Gun measurement
- Persona Non Grata
- Carried
- Tiresome talker
- Induce yawns
- Dullard
- Inspire ennui
- Cause ennui
- Tedious fellow
- Tedious sort
- Long-winded fellow
- Tedious one
- Unwanted guest, maybe
- Uninteresting storyteller
- Arouse ennui
- Try one's patience
- Pain at a party
- Go full ___ (proceed at maximum speed)
- Shotgun caliber
- Shotgun caliber
- Cause yawns
- Person droning on about tax law, probably
- Barrel measure
- Gun barrel stat
- Gun barrel measurement
- Drill (into)
- "Every hero becomes a ___ at last": Emerson
- Wall of moving water
- Tidal surge
- "Zzz" inducer
- Auger
- Endured
- Dull person
- "A person who talks when you wish him to listen," per Ambrose Bierce
- Sidearm's stat
- Homophone for 55-Down
- Prove tedious
- Uninteresting person
- Tolerated
- Tedious person
- Barrel diameter
- Do some drills?
- Real snoozefest
- Gun barrel measure
- Snoozer
- Dull one
- Droning lecturer
- Unwelcome talker
- Gun measure
- Cause of much yawning
- Yawn-inducing sort
- Droning lecturer, say
- Dreary person
- Dry-as-dust sort
- Monotone lecturer, say
- Drip
- Dull speaker
- Droning lecture, e.g.
- Induce ennui in
- Do tunneling
- Induce yawns from
- Dig into
- Gun barrel feature
- "Feats in mouth" person, per Henry Ford
- Cause of some nodding
- One eliciting yawns
- Tedious speaker
- ___ someone to tears
- Snoozer of a speaker
- Yawn-evoking person
- Snooze inducer
- Bring to tears, maybe
- Sleep-inducing pill?
- Move to tears, say?
- Uninteresting sort
- Unfortunate neighbor at a dinner party
- Windbag, say
- Use a gimlet
- Make yawn, perhaps
- Dull movie, say
- Fail to interest
- Fail to entertain
- Snooze
- Counterweight
- Apt rhyme of chore and snore
- Real snooze
- Tunnel (through)
- Tunnel (into)
- Drip … or drill
Last Seen In:
- USA Today - March 04, 2025
- LA Times - February 25, 2025
- New York Times - December 14, 2024
- LA Times - November 30, 2024
- USA Today - November 28, 2024
- New York Times - September 12, 2024
- New York Times - September 07, 2024
- LA Times - July 01, 2024
- LA Times - June 05, 2024
- LA Times - March 03, 2024
- USA Today - February 28, 2024
- New York Times - February 20, 2024
- New York Times - December 03, 2023
- LA Times - November 28, 2023
- USA Today - October 26, 2023
- LA Times - October 19, 2023
- New York Times - April 04, 2023
- New York Times - March 12, 2023
- LA Times - January 09, 2023
- USA Today - September 21, 2022
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